我仔细查了卡西欧官网上的问答信息: You should be able to achieve sufficient charging by ensuring that it is exposed to indoor and outdoor lighting as much as possible throughout the day.
所有关于太阳能手表的光照时间和强度回答都是 “as much as possible‘,也就是尽可能长,光线尽可能强。
Normally, the solar cell and rechargeable battery should be able to last as long as the watch. "寿与表齐” 的意思其实不难理解: 1)Normally - “通常情况下”。那么非常情况下就难说咯。最容易遇到的“非常情况”是亏电;过充不用太担心,应该有保护的吧。当然另外一些“非常情况”也有咯,比如极端高低温,比如进水起雾等等...... 2)should be - “应该是”。那也不是100% 的sure,比如碰巧这颗电池就是次品呢...... 3)as long as the watch - 表也是有寿命的啊,电子线路可能出故障,液晶/电机/运动部件可能有磨损老化,表壳和标底/表冠可能漏水...... 很难说一个表的寿命是多长。