Family definition
10 = Anatom
12 = DiaStar The Original
13 = Sintra
14 = DiaMaster
18 = DiaStar
20 = Integral
21 = Ceramica
22 = Coupole
23 = DiaQueen
24 = Xeramo
25 = Cerix
26 = Ovation
41 = Crysma
48 = Florence
53 = eSenza
90/91= Gold
96 = V10K
366代表Reference number of case
The last three figures are taken over from the existing Rado-reference number of the case.
76代表表盘Reference number of dial
01 - -09 = white colour
10- -14 = grey colour
15- -19 = black colour
20- -24 = blue colour
25- -29 = yellow colour
30- -69 = dials with special co (simili stones)
60 = white colour
61 = black colour
62 = blue colour
63 = yellow colour
64- -69 = other colours
70- -79 = dials with diamonds
最后的1代表Reference number of bracelet:
1 = hard-metal/hard-metal with gold links
2 = ceramics
3+4 = metal
5+6 = leather
7 = hard-metal (economic -version)
9 =various
[ 本帖最后由 sunboy 于 2006-7-21 16:29 编辑 ]