25-Rules For Watch Collectors
1) Never settle. Compromise.
If a Rolex is really what you want, don't throw away money on a Seiko just to buy. Save that money toward the Rolex. If need be, buy a used model and have it refurbished.
2) Whenever possible, pay cash.
Don't rob Peter to pay Paul. Avoid credit cards like the plague; interest rates
eat up discounts. Buy what you can afford.
3) Buy for YOU, not someone else.
If you look long and hard enough you will find someone in TZ, or somewhere else
who will criticize your choice no matter what it is. Buy for you, not to impress someone else.
4) Consider the movement.
Consider the movement in the watch. Shoot for in-house or fine base calibers like the Zenith El Primero, Piguet, Lemania, Venus...but don't buy a style you
don't like simply because the movement is a great one. You can't wear a watch
5) Consider the manufacturer.
There are great ones to choose from but never buy just because of the name!
Patek is considered one of the finest, if not the best manufacturer out there.
But if you don't like the designs, don't buy one!
6) You won't become the watch.
The watch won't change you. It is a watch. Einstein had a Patek, Hemingway
wore Rolex and Omega. If you buy a Patek it won't make you a genius, and neither
an Omega or Rolex will improve your writing.
7) Size matters.
Large watches are a fad and a style. Some really look good. Consider your wrist
size because a really oversized watch on a small wrist looks sloppy. If you do
buy a large watch, make sure your shirt cuffs will fit over it. You don't want
to have to redo your wardrobe to fit your watch!
8) Get Insurance.
You will sleep better.
9) There is always going to be a better deal.
Shortly after you make a purchase, you will spot that exact same model selling
for less. It is one of life's little jokes. Don't let it bother you.
10) Keep in mind that salespeople are usually only objective about watches that
they sell.
11) The journey can be more fun than the destination.
Shortly after a purchase you may experience a let down. Let it pass, it's normal.
12) If it is broke, fix it.
To err is human. It is better to fix a mistake than try to live with it. If you
really aren't happy with a purchase, get rid of it!
13) Consider color.
All stainless steel, all white gold, all platinum with a bracelet goes with
everything. With a black strap, almost everything.
18k&black strap is dressy. 18k&brown strap is elegant but more casual, and
looks good with browns, tans, blues, yellow, green, and sometimes even gray.
White dials are dressier and easier to read, black dials are more cool and sporty.
14) Accuracy is relative.
Your self-winding watch isn't as accurate as your quartz. However it can be 99%
accurate. Off by just a few seconds out of over 80,000 each day is pretty amazing.
15) Take care of your good watches.
Get them serviced, keep them clean. They'll last longer than you will.
16) This is want, not need.
No one ever needs a luxury watch, this is about want. If you ask yourself, "do
I need this?" the honest answer is always, "no."
17) Never buy a watch as an investment.
Some watches will retain value, most don't. The watch that actually appreciates
in value is unique and chances are it will be your grandchildren who benefit,
not you.
18) No one watch will statisfy you completely. There is no single definitive model.
19) The more you know, the less you need.
A collection of 4 exceptional watches is better than a collection of 10 mediocre
20) Only engrave if it is a special gift.
21) Buy what you will wear, not for an occasion.
Don't run out and buy a dressy watch for just one special night. You probably
have one you can wear that will be just fine, or don't wear one at all.
22) Wear it.
If it has been two months since you wore it, you don't really like it. Get something you want to wear.
23) Limited is usually a marketing term.
Limited to 5,000 pieces is not limited. Limited to 2,000 isn't either.
Really limited is 30. Or 10. Or one.
24) You don't have to justify to anyone except yourself.
Someone will someday say, "you paid that much for a watch!!!" You are not obligated to explain, and they won't understand anyway.
25) Don't look at the Patek on the other guy's wrist and be envious. Look at the
watch on your wrist and be happy. Don't judge anyone by the watch they wear,
including yourself.
1. 別為了買錶而買錶,請買你真正想買的錶
舉例來說,如果你真的想買的手錶是 Patek Philippe 或是勞力士,就不要因為價錢較貴而屈就於其他較便宜的手錶。克制自己為「買錶」而買錶的購買慾,將錢省下來日後買真正喜歡的手錶。如果真的無法負擔新錶的高價,不妨考慮買一只狀況不錯的二手錶,加上上送廠維修的費用,二手錶常比新錶便宜個幾成。
2. 儘可能用現金買錶
3. 買自己喜歡的錶,而不是其他人喜歡的錶
4. 無法決擇時,以機芯為重
對幾個款式猶豫不絕時,機芯的好壞可能是最重要的。保險的做法是選擇一只名錶廠的知名機芯,比如說Zenith 的 El Primero、Piguet 、Lemania、Venus等等為宜。但是別買機芯喜歡,但手錶的外型卻和你自己不搭合的手錶,畢竟,手錶通常是正面戴著的,而非將機芯的那一面反過來戴。
5. 無法決擇時,以製造錶廠的聲譽為重
如你所知,這世上有很多優秀的品牌錶廠生產值得選購的手錶,但是別迷惑於品牌的名聲而買錶。舉例來說,你知道Patek Philippe 是這世上最好的手錶之一,但是如果試戴後不喜歡,就別買它。
6. 你不會因為戴上某支手錶而變成另外一個人
手錶始終是手錶,而不是魔法森林裡的魔法棒。愛因斯坦有一只 Patek Philippe,而海明威戴的是勞力士和歐米茄;但是戴上Patek Philippe不會讓你變成天才,戴了勞力士或歐米茄更不讓你文思泉湧寫出「老人與海」之類的文章。
7. 選擇尺寸合適的手錶
8. 為你的錶買保險
9. 多一點耐心常可以省一點錢
10. 錶店的店員對他們不販售的手錶和品牌常常是主觀有偏見的
11. 旅行的過程比到達終點有趣
12. 如果還是不滿意,請試著去改變
13. 想一想色彩學
所有的不鏽鋼、白K金,鉑金和金屬鍊帶之間都有一致性的合襯。如果配上黑皮錶帶,所有的不鏽鋼、白K金,鉑金錶都能展現一致性的 dressy樣子出現。一般說來,白色面面盤的手錶高貴雅致,較具有Dress Watch的英姿;黑色面盤則顯得酷炫和運動風。
14. 精準度是一種相對概念
15. 好好照顧你的手錶
16. 手錶是奢侈品,不是必需品
從來沒有人是因為「一定要擁有」而必須購買一只名貴的手錶,而是因為「內心渴望」而購買手錶的多得多。如果你在買錶前問自己:「我真的需要這一只手錶嗎?」,誠實的答案大概會是 No 吧。
17. 決不要為了投資增值而買手錶
18. 世上沒有一只完全合適你的手錶,更沒有所謂終極手錶
19. 當你懂得越多,你需要的就越少
20. 除了意義特殊的禮物或紀念錶,別在手錶上面鏤刻文字或圖案
21. 買你會經常佩戴的手錶,而非漂亮但只會偶而配戴的手錶
別為了某日的宴會或儀式而去買一支稱合特殊場合的手錶 (通常是所謂的 dress watch)。從你的運動錶中,你總能找得出一只大約合適的手錶,要不然乾脆不要戴錶就好了。
22. 愛一只手錶的最高表現是經常佩戴它,而不是將手錶鎖在抽屜裡
23. 所謂限量經常只是一種市場學上的促銷手法
限量五千只絕不是真正的限量,限量兩千只也不是。真正的限量應該是30, 10,甚至是只製造一只才叫真正的限量。
24. 不要在意他人的評價
當有人對你驚呼:「甚麼,你花 $$$ 錢買一支錶」時,千萬別在意。當然,建議你無須多費唇舌解釋這一支手錶的價值,因為講這些話的人通常聽不進你的解釋。
25. 不要用手錶來評斷人
千萬別因為看到別人手腕上的 Patek Philippe 而忌妒或羨慕,儘可能欣賞自己手腕上的手錶,從中尋得自己的快樂。永遠不要由一個人所配戴的手錶來評斷這一個人,包括你自己。